Initiatives That Champion Equity
Regardless of the impact of our past efforts, many challenges persist, and some have worsened. The pandemic, racial reckonings, political upheavals, and climate catastrophes have created an untenable system. Inequities have reached a boiling point – the wealth divide, the gender divide, the racial divide, and the political divide are deep, yawning chasms that are gaining width daily. The middle is disappearing. The times demand more.
So how can we solve what seems unsolvable? By uniting as a community. Remembering that there is so much more that connects us than separates us. The path forward? Achieve equity through community and the shared values and beliefs that drive us collectively.
We're here to partner with our donors on a variety of issues.
While the legacy of the Buck Trust provides substantial annual funding to support Marin County, we cannot do this alone. It’s critical that we find ways to work together to raise more money, leverage our collective social and political capital, and use our voices in ways that make meaningful inroads.
Our Initiatives
Climate justice
Vulnerable communities face far greater risks of poorer health and economic outcomes from climate change. They need support to adapt to or recover from climate disruptions such as flooding, sea level rise, extreme heat, wildfire, and smoke.
Affordable housing & homelessness
Every person deserves to live in a safe and secure home. However, the high cost of housing and limited supply of affordable homes in Marin forces many people into unjust housing situations or homelessness.
Community power
Marin’s hardworking nonprofits deserve the opportunity to focus on the work at hand. With multi-year, general operating support grants, we recognize the effectiveness of these organizations and shift some of the power from the foundation to the community.
When a crisis strikes, we act fast.
Sometimes, philanthropy is called upon to react quickly to an immediate need. Whether it be the result of a natural disaster, like an earthquake, fire, or flooding, or political pressure on human rights, we're here to help you react quickly and effectively.