Update to the Pirkle Jones Fund Visual Artist Support Program (VASP)
Posted on March 23, 2023
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For twelve years the Pirkle Jones VASP has provided support and opportunities for emerging or mid-career artists in Marin County. Some amazingly talented artists have been able to expand their practices, further develop their skills and share their work with a wider audience.
We’re happy to announce that beginning this year, we are making some changes to the program - with an eye to creating even greater impact. Firstly, we are moving the timeline of the award from late spring/summer to the fall in order to garner more participation in and awareness of the program. We will be working over the summer to develop the application.
Secondly, we will be increasing the grant amount from $25,000 to $50,000. This significant increase is intended to provide the award recipient with a truly meaningful level of support to dedicate to their craft. Finally, we will be broadening our outreach to our key partner communities and the anchor organizations within them to build awareness and participation from a broader cadre of applicants and artists that more fully reflect the people and communities of Marin County.
The program will continue with its purpose to recognize and support exceptional Marin-based working visual artists. We look forward to issuing the call for applications in late summer (August/September). Please check back here then for the 2023 Pirkle Jones Fund VASP application. The announcement of the 2023 artist will be made this fall.
Thank you for your support of the program!